Paradoxes of physics 5

How does the

How does the "perpetual motion" and examples of his designs

Perpetual motion is impossible even in theory. He contradicts himself. Perpetual motion excites the minds of scientists and inventors around the world. Now many people obsessed about the same as at the time, alchemists were obsess...


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Stephen Hawking did not find the answer to his most interesting scientific mystery

Stephen Hawking did not find the answer to his most interesting scientific mystery

a Few days ago, March 14, the world left is one of the most eminent physicists of our time, Stephen Hawking. Despite his severe illness, Hawking has managed to write a lot of scientific books, many of which became real bestsellers...


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Are there parallel universes? Ten facts for

Are there parallel universes? Ten facts for

Even before Everett and his ideas of multiple universes that physicists have come to a standstill. They had to use one set of rules for the subatomic world, which is subject to quantum mechanics, and another set of rules for lar...


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Schrödinger's cat can be saved, even without looking at the box

Schrödinger's cat can be saved, even without looking at the box

the Scientists used an artificial atom, to show the ability to save schrödinger's cat in a living state for an indefinite period, and precipitating his death. In order and you don't even need to look in the drawer where the cat no...


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No one knows where black holes get information

No one knows where black holes get information

If you «to Google», Stephen Hawking is among the most famous living physicists. His most famous work concerns the information paradox of a black hole. If you are interested in physics, it is of course well known. To Hawk...


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